I’m so committed to seeing you get lots of high paying clients that if you study the training, do the coursework, and implement my system and you don’t get clients, we’ll give you the extra support you need. If you still don’t get clients, I don’t deserve your money and will happily give you a refund within the 60 day guarantee period.
Here are all the places that this guarantee appeared for your review, prior to your committing to this program and your business success:
On the sales page…
On the sales video…
On your order form whether you chose full pay (click the image to see the full page)…
or the payment plan (click the image to see the full page)…
In our terms and conditions (click the image to see the full page)…
Here's the guarantee on that page…
Our guarantee is to help get you clients through the Free Sessions That Sell program, coupled with you taking action as outlined in the course and in all communication with you (via email and our private Facebook group). Plus, all of your bonus trainings and calls are designed to support you in taking massive action…
Your first steps are to study the program and take action in your business.
If needed, we are here to give you extra support to get all the clients you want.
If you've been in the Free Sessions That Sell Facebook group, you'll see lots of coaches and consultants just like you getting clients. You can check out the group here.
If you have done all of those steps, please proceed to the next step by clicking the red button below.
By clicking yes, you confirm that you have studied all the trainings, completed the coursework, taken massive action in your business, and sought out help from our team and still have not gotten clients.
If you are not eligible for a refund because it has been more than 60 days and/or you haven't applied the program, done the coursework, or taken any of the steps needed to get clients, then please contact our Support team at support@coacheswithclients.com or 619-642-2631 to help you get back on track to sign up clients.