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Get More Clients Faster And Easier Than Ever
Before At Your Highest Rates Ever...

Say Goodbye To Awkward Conversations, Pushy Sales Techniques, Or Fear Of Rejection Once And For All. Discover The System That Makes Signing Up Clients As Easy As Coaching Them...

Get More Clients Faster And Easier Than Ever Before At Your Highest Rates Ever...guaranteed!

Say Goodbye To Awkward Conversations, Pushy Sales Techniques, Or Fear Of Rejection Once And For All. Discover The System That Makes Signing Up Clients As Easy As Coaching Them.

“I Highly Recommend Christian for Everyone Wanting to Get Clients!​”

Christian is the go to expert I highly recommend for everyone wanting to get clients and grow their coaching, consulting, or healing business. I have personally been coached by Christian and can tell you he is very good at what he does. I’ve learned a ton from Christian. He’s super smart and has a big heart. You’ll love working with him.

“Christian single-handedly helped me solve one of my biggest roadblocks in attracting clients…”

My business had plateaued for years until I met Christian. The mindset and strategies I learned from him allowed me to double my income the following year. Then I doubled it again. I kept learning from Christian and he single-handedly helped me solve one of my biggest roadblocks in attracting clients into my programs. Game changer!

Discover the EXACT Step-By-Step Process To Get Clients To Sign Up To Work With You From Just One Simple Conversation

Do Client Enrollment Conversations Make You Feel Worried, Afraid, or Anxious?

If you’re excited about coaching and making positive change in your clients’ lives, but realize there’s a part of the job that’s not fun – which is actually having a conversation with prospects to sign them up as clients – I get it because I used to be exactly where you are now.

Before becoming a coach I was in a job I hated.

And in the early years of my coaching business, I struggled.

I remember working 60-70 hour weeks just to find clients, and those hours weren’t spent working with clients – they were spent just trying to find clients.

My coaching fee back then was $195/month, which was barely enough to cover any bills.

I fell behind on my mortgage every couple of months, could barely keep up with my car payments, and I used gift cards to eat.

Why I Almost Quit Coaching To Become a Garbage Man

I remember taking out the garbage and thinking, “Maybe I should just throw in the towel, give up and get a regular job. Maybe just get a job as a garbage man, where I could have a steady paycheck.”

But my love of coaching and my desire to help people was so strong that I stuck with it.

So I committed to reading a book a week on business, marketing and personal growth. I applied much of what I learned because back then there was nothing to help coaches grow their coaching business. It was mostly just general business advice.

I took all the things I was learning—general principles, general ideas—and applied them to my coaching business. Most didn’t work and some I had to tweak.

Fortunately, much of my reading sparked my creativity and I was able to come up with my own ideas for getting clients.

Eventually, I was able to make a great living as a coach. Then some other coaches hired me to help them grow their coaching businesses, too.

So I began to help other coaches get clients. In fact, I was able to help four out of five of those first coaching clients grow their business to over $100,000 a year. One of them did it in 72 days.

That’s when I realized that I could share with other coaches everything I had learned through trial and error, testing and tweaking, and coming up with new ideas. I could help them become successful much faster than I had.

I've Helped Hundreds of Thousands of Coaches Secure Clients and Thrive Doing What They Love…

Since then, I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of coaches get clients and generate a great living doing what they love.

I’m a 5 time #1 bestselling author. I’ve hired a team of world-changing coaches to work for me. My company offers an extensive suite of online training programs, and I’ve built a multimillion dollar business.

I’m super grateful that my business has been featured in various media outlets.

In fact, I won the Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Companies In America Award 4 years in a row.

Build The Business Of Your Dreams By Helping Others Achieve Theirs

When I started coaching over 20 years ago I felt like if I could just change a few lives, all of my struggles would be worth it.

Fast forward… I’m one of the highest paid coaches in the world, and I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of coaches (in 139 countries) get clients and build wildly successful coaching businesses.

Now, I’m not sharing this to brag and impress you, but to impress upon you that you can have an amazing impact in the world through your success.

I want to support you in building and having the business of your dreams so you can support your clients in living theirs.

My business was built using the Free Sessions That Sell System.

And this proven client-getting system is what you have complete access to here today.

Get The Proven System Thousands Of Coaches Use To Instantly Sign Up Clients

Make your offer irresistible by following the time-tested client sign-up formula. You’ll be able to use this easy to follow, step-by-step process immediately to start having better intro sessions and sign up more clients right away.

4 New Clients In The Last 3 Weeks!
“It’s officially time to celebrate… credit card swiped and money in the bank! Two clients at $1000 per month each and two new clients at $1250 per month each in the last three weeks.”

Already Booked $10K Worth Of Business!
“I have done 3 FSTS sessions: two signed up for my 6-month, one-on-one, private love coaching & healing program; one wasn’t able to afford one-on-one coaching so signed up my group coaching program. With this process, it is so, so easy. I already booked $10K worth of business through the end of the year.”

Here’s Why Most People Get Excited About Coaching, But End Up Quitting

Many people get started with coaching because they have a big heart. They want to help people and make a big difference in the world. They couldn’t care less about the money and would do it for free.

The problem is… not caring about the money can hurt your coaching business because you’re not charging enough to at least pay the bills.

Not only that, but many coaches are shy and don’t like to brag about themselves. They are very humble and don’t like to toot their own horn in order to get attention and attract more clients.

That’s why many “traditional” tactics for getting coaching clients aren’t working for you. They require you to be salesy, manipulative or try to get you to be something you’re not.

Additionally, many client attraction techniques were borrowed from other industries outside of the coaching world.

And that’s why many prospective coaches throw in the towel and give up on their dreams.

They mistakenly told themselves, “Well, guess I wasn’t good enough to become a coach,” when all they needed was the right system that helped them attract coaching clients while still being authentic to who they are.

Free Sessions That Sell will help you make your coaching dreams a reality, even if you don’t like to sell or brag about how good you are.

FSTS will help your clients see the value in your coaching in a gentle way, while making them see the value in the transformation you provide so they’ll gladly pay high fees to hire you.

Yes, you can be the authentic, big-hearted and generous coach (or potential coach) you are and still make big money thanks to Free Sessions That Sell!

Discover The Strategies That Have Helped My Students Sign Up Over 1 MILLION Clients and Counting!

If you’ve been struggling to get clients, then Free Sessions That Sell will be a game changer for you. The training is laser-focused on giving you the best tools and strategies to successfully attract and sign up many new clients and get clients to seek you out.

Whether your goal is to build a coaching empire with your own team of coaches, or just have a small number of high paying clients, Free Sessions That Sell is the system that gives you the power to make it happen.

One easy payment of $1997
Eight easy payments of $299
One easy payment of $1997
Twelve easy payments of $199

“Christian is a Brilliant Teacher!​”

Christian is a brilliant teacher, entrepreneur and marketer. I recommend his trainings to friends and associates on a regular basis. If you are a coach, teacher, speaker or information product guru, I highly recommend that you get trained by him!
Eben Pagan
#1 Bestselling Author

No Matter Your Level Of Experience, You Can Start Signing Up Clients For a Minimum of $5,000 to $100,000 or More Each…

In this powerful training, I reveal the exact system used by the most successful coaches to get lots of high paying clients.

You’ll learn what to say, how to talk about money, how to overcome objections, and how to feel confident about what you’re offering without being pushy, salesy or feeling manipulative.

And I’ll show you exactly how to package your coaching into an irresistible offer so clients sign-up right on the spot.

Because here’s the truth…

Getting clients is a lot simpler than most people make it out to be.

I’m going to reveal how to get clients faster and easier than ever before. Most people make getting clients super-complicated. It’s actually pretty simple when you follow these 3 steps:

  1. People hear about you
  2. People have a session with you
  3. People hire you


I’m going to show you how to make it happen much faster.

“What If Instead Of Chasing Clients, Clients Chased You…”

If you’re like most coaches, you really just want to help people, but the people you’re trying to coach may not see the value in what you do.

You might give them a free session, maybe even solve the problem they were having in that free session, and when it comes time to hire you, they start giving all kinds of excuses…

At the end of the session people say things like, “let me think about it” or “I have to check with my spouse”. They might tell you they have to go over it with their business partner, friend, or family member, who they say is really experienced.

They say “follow up with me” and you do just that. You keep following up with them, and they either keep putting you off, or they stop getting back to you at all. Then they stop returning your emails and phone calls…

And at the end of the day, you’re the one who ends up feeling weird and pushy even though you’re just doing exactly what they told you to do, but it’s just not working. Free Sessions That Sell will change everything…

That’s because you’ll discover a system that’ll help you “sell” your coaching in a way that isn’t being pushy or salesy, but still motivates clients to sign up for your coaching right on the spot.

They’ll instantly see how their lives can change because of your help, and will eagerly say “Yes” to your coaching without feeling like they got pressured to make a decision.

The best part is your confidence will skyrocket because you have a proven framework for signing up clients you can use over and over again to grow your coaching business and make a bigger impact in the world.

Each intro-session will be like having a friendly conversation vs. a yucky, high-pressured sales pitch where you have to somehow manipulate your client to sign up for your coaching.

In other words, you’ll feel comfortable using the Free Sessions That Sell process to build your coaching empire and impact the world in a big way!

TOTAL VALUE: $35,000.00+

Register now and start getting clients right away

One easy payment of $1997
Eight easy payments of $299
One easy payment of $1997
Twelve easy payments of $199

And If You’re New To Coaching, Free Sessions That Sell Will Keep You From Making This Big Mistake…

Some people teach you to coach people for free when you’re just getting started so you ‘gain experience.’ I did this myself when I started, and it ended up having a negative effect on my coaching…

I found that people who didn’t pay for coaching would frequently miss sessions, would rarely do any of the work they needed to do to make changes, and they weren’t really invested in the coaching process, which actually made them bad clients.

The real reason they weren’t getting the results was they weren’t showing up and they weren’t doing the work.

They weren’t showing up and doing any of the work because they weren’t investing any money in making the changes they want.

This Gave Me Confidence…

On the other hand, when I started signing up real, paying clients, they were great! They did the work, they were invested, they got amazing results, and I got better and better at coaching & my confidence as a coach skyrocketed.

If you’re concerned you might need to improve your skills as a coach, or if you want to get better at coaching, I’m including an amazing special bonus – our Coach Training and Certification Program, Rapid Results Coaching Academy™ (see the bonuses listed below…)

I believe that the best way to get better at coaching is to coach real paying clients. Free Sessions That Sell will show you how to get them.

TOTAL VALUE: $35,000.00+

Register now and start getting clients right away

One easy payment of $1997
Eight easy payments of $299
One easy payment of $1997
Twelve easy payments of $199
Got My First Client With FSTS!
Yeah Baby! Got my first client with FSTS! What a weight off my shoulders. I’m super pumped up and can’t wait to have my next session!

Terry M.
2 New Clients & $22K In 3 Weeks
Last Friday I applied what I discovered in Free Sessions That Sell to renegotiating an existing client into a $10K per month committed client from a $5K on the fence position. I gave my first FSTS session today and signed up a $12K/year / $1k per month client.
Chris B.
I Now Charge $10K/Client!
Thanks to Christian Mickelsen I charge much higher fees and need less clients to accomplish my revenue goals. Now, with all my clients I charge a minimum of $10,000 per client, and never drop below.
Sylvia H.

“But I Don’t Care About Money. I Just Want To Help People!”

Many coaches make the mistake of coaching clients for ultra-low fees…even for free. They think lowering their fees will get more clients to hire them.

After all, it’s not about the money for these coaches. They would gladly coach for free or charge ultra-low fees because they want to help people and make a big difference.

The problem is lowering your fees will result in more people not hiring you. You think you’re doing them a favor by lowering your fees, but you’re really pushing people away.

I remember when I wanted to get Lasik surgery 12 years ago so I would have perfect eyesight. I didn’t have a lot of money at the time, so I couldn’t afford an expensive optometrist. But I didn’t want to go the cheapest person on the block.

I saw a lot of offices who were advertising to perform the surgery for rock-bottom prices. And I remember how much this turned me off, even though I had a small budget.

I remember thinking to myself, “Hey, I don’t want the cheapest eye surgery!” so I decided to go with a good middle-of-the-road option.

So let me ask you….

Do You Really Want To Be The Cheapest Coach On The Block?

That’s why it’s so important to charge high fees for your coaching, and to show your clients the value of your coaching that justifies those high fees.

But I realize you’re probably like me. You didn’t get into coaching for the money. You just want to help people and make a difference.

The problem is, people need to pay because, when they pay, they pay attention and are motivated to get results.

But I’m sure you’re wondering:

“How do I ask for the money without feeling weird?”
“How much should I charge for my coaching?”
“How do I bring up the subject of money during my intro-session?”

I used to feel weird about it too, especially since I didn’t care about the money. But, at the same time, I was falling behind on my mortgage and struggling to pay my bills.

I had to figure this thing out. I didn’t want to be pushy or have awkward money conversations.

The answer is you need to understand the value of your coaching. You need to understand that people will pay big money for coaching. When you get paid a lot of money for coaching, it boosts your confidence and makes you less needy.

That means if you talk to 10 prospective clients, you’re bound to get 3-4 of them to sign up for your coaching. You’re not going to sweat if someone doesn’t hire you because you know your next client is right around the corner.


Getting REAL About Money Is Critical To A Thriving Coaching Business

It gives you the power to grow your coaching business and make a bigger impact in the world.

You’ll be able to hire a virtual assistant, invest in advertising or reserve a location for a live event so you can spread your message.

It also gives you the opportunity to give to causes you care about so you can make a bigger difference in the world.

That’s why we get REAL about money in Free Sessions That Sell. I’ll show you how to charge high fees and get your clients to see the value of your coaching so they’re lining up to work with you.

You’ll learn to have easy conversations with people who turn into high-paying clients and you won’t feel awkward when your conversation transitions to how much you charge for your coaching.

That’s because Free Sessions That Sell will give you the framework and techniques to get easy “yesses” for your coaching. You’ll discover my “magic phrases” about what to say during sessions to get your clients to eagerly sign up for your programs.

Not only that, but I’m also going to reveal powerful “inner game” techniques that will remove any blocks and barriers holding you back from becoming the coach you were meant to be.

You’ll quickly get over any weird feelings or insecurities about money and the value of your coaching. This’ll allow you to be super confident and comfortable when talking to potential clients.

This Makes Clients Want To Hire You Right On The Spot!

I cracked the code on turning free intro sessions into high-paying long-term clients, and now I want to give you the keys to success inside the Free Sessions That Sell Program.

When you use the “Free Sessions That Sell” formula, you will feel rock-solid confidence talking to potential clients about how you work, how coaching works, how you can help them, and so they hire you right on the spot!

TOTAL VALUE: $35,000.00+

Register now and start getting clients right away

One easy payment of $1997
Eight easy payments of $299
One easy payment of $1997
Twelve easy payments of $199

Get More Clients For More Money, Faster & Easier Than Ever Before…

TOTAL VALUE: $35,000.00+

Register now and start getting clients right away

One easy payment of $1997
Eight easy payments of $299
One easy payment of $1997
Twelve easy payments of $199



Premium Group Coaching Program


How Free Sessions That Sell Works


Secrets To Build Deep Rapport & Trust


Discover Their Deepest Desires​


Uncover Challenges


How To Explain Your Coaching So People Want To Pay For It


Coach Them On The Decision and Get Paid

TOTAL VALUE: $35,000.00+

Register now and start getting clients right away

One easy payment of $1997
Eight easy payments of $299
One easy payment of $1997
Twelve easy payments of $199


Access Free Sessions That Sell on any device from anywhere in the world. Whether it be from your home computer or on the go. The choice is yours.


As soon as you invest in Free Sessions That Sell, you’ll get immediate, lifetime access.

Go at your own pace or jump in and learn it all immediately. Free Sessions That Sell will always be there for you when you need it.

In Addition To Free Sessions That Sell

You’ll Also Receive These Incredible Bonuses…


6 Get Clients Premium Group Coaching Sessions

Clients pay $100,000 to work with me for a day. But, you'll get to have me as your coach over the next 2 months.​

During these powerful, game-changing Group Coaching sessions you’ll…​

VALUE: $5,000.00


Discover Your Perfect Niche Program + 3 Nail Your Niche Group Coaching Sessions

As you watch these coaching sessions, you’ll…

VALUE: $2,000.00


Confident Coach Program + 3 Master Your Mind And Emotions Group Coaching Sessions

Being able to attract clients is the ONLY way to ensure you always have a steady stream of income in your coaching business.

During these sessions, one of the rockstar coaches on my team will work with you to help skyrocket your confidence as a coach, get more clients and make more money. The “Confident Coach” home study program also comes along with it.

VALUE: $2,000.00


Rapid Results Coaching Academy™

If you’ve never been a coach before, this program is going to give you competence, confidence and credibility. Once you complete this program, you’ll be able to get clients great results.

In this powerful training program, you will get…

VALUE: $2,000.00


Client Attraction & Money Making Mastery

In this powerful online training program, you will…

VALUE: $5,000.00


Ticket to Heal Your Money $h*t Now: The Hidden Secret To Rapid Riches

At this event, we're going to systematically dismantle your program, trauma, and fears about money, so you can… ​

VALUE: $2,000.00


EasyClients A.I.

What if getting coaching clients was as easy as flipping a switch?

With EasyClients A.I., you’ll have an automated lead generation system that brings new prospects onto your email list every single month.

PLUS, you’ll get 4 Group Coaching Sessions where we’ll walk you through every step—from setup to securing your first leads and booked sessions.

VALUE: $2,000.00


Lifetime Access To The Christian Mickelsen A.I. Clone

The Christian Mickelsen A.I. Clone is a cutting-edge tool infused with my lifetime of knowledge and expertise. Imagine having instant access to my insights and strategies, available on demand whenever you need support.

My A.I. clone is here to guide you, empower you, and help you achieve your coaching business goals like never before.

The Christian Mickelsen A.I. Clone is exactly that.



Group Coaching Goldmine: How To Triple Your Income With Group Coaching

In this program, you’ll discover…

The Christian Mickelsen A.I. Clone is exactly that.

VALUE: $1,000.00

I Got 26 Clients Within 9 Months!
“After I participated in Free Sessions That Sell, I got 26 clients within 9 months. This is huge for me, and what I learned inside the program really made the difference.”

Just Got 4 New Coaching Engagements!
“Hi everyone, here is a bit of motivation for you. I just got four new coaching engagements. Here’s the best part, I only just started the course. I practically just used the script and watched the module 1 video. Should add up to around $20,000 USD! Thank you Christian and all the team.”
Jump At The Chance To Work With Him!
“I’ve learned a ton from Christian Mickelsen over the years. He’s a sales, marketing, and business genius with a gigantic heart. I give him and his programs my highest recommendation. You should jump at the chance to work with him.”




Eben Pagan's Presentations That Pay

This entire training is about creating a powerful presentation that pushes the emotional “buy” button inside your prospect – whether you’re making a “1-on-1” presentation, or building a presentation for a large group, a video, or a webinar.

Inside this course, you’ll learn:

VALUE: $2,000.00


Matt Leitz's Writing to Convert

Inside This Writing to Convert Course:

VALUE: $1,000.00


Dr. Claire Zammit's The Woman-Centered Enrollment Kit

The Woman-Centered Enrollment Kit 

The 5 Keys to Ignite Women’s Courage to Invest in Themselves and Confidently Say Yes to What You’re Offering

VALUE: $1,000.00


Rob Goyette's Fast Revenue Copywriting Course

Discover how to use the power of your words to attract all the coaching clients you’ll ever want.

VALUE: $2,000.00


Alina Vincent's Supercharge Your Facebook Group

Discover step-by-step how EASY it can be to create an active online community and increase engagement in your Facebook group in just minutes a day.

Inside this step-by-step training, you'll discover…

VALUE: $500.00


Mamoon Yusaf's How Rich Coaches Think: The 21 Beliefs Of The World's Wealthiest Coaches

“The 21 Beliefs of the World’s Wealthiest Coaches” Video Training

An at-a-glance 1-Sheet Summary of “The 21 Beliefs of the World’s Wealthiest Coaches”

“How Rich Coaches Think” Virtual Summit Recordings

Get Rich in Your Perfect Niche

VALUE: $1,000.00


Sage Lavine's The Virtual Summits Training Program

The Virtual Summits Training Program

The ultimate list-building recipe to grow your transformational business.

Are you ready for business to come to YOU? Hosting telesummits is one of the fastest ways to create massive growth in your business. There’s a reason virtual summits are so popular!

When you align yourself with other leaders and co-create a powerful online interview, you’ll shape the opportunity to:

VALUE: $1,500.00


Jeanna Gabellini's Ecstatic Marketing

The best marketing comes from the heart… and turns into clients. During this program you’ll create one client attraction strategy with this game changing formula! (I suggest creating a lead magnet sequence… aka a free gift.)

VALUE: $1,000.00


What Students Are Saying About​

Free Sessions That Sell!

Premium Group Coaching Program

Lifetime Access To The Exclusive Free Sessions That Sell Facebook Community

  • Connect with coaches, consultants, healers, and difference-makers from all over the world, all in one place
  • Pick up valuable tips from other successful business owners
  • Get help and constructive support to implement and build your successful coaching business
  • Partner with buddy coaches in the group and practice “Free Sessions That Sell” together


Hit Play: This'll Be You in 60 Days!

TOTAL VALUE: $35,000.00+

Register now and start getting clients right away

One easy payment of $1997
Eight easy payments of $299
One easy payment of $1997
Twelve easy payments of $199

Here’s Everything You’re Getting When You Sign Up Right Now…

Free Sessions That Sell: The Client Sign Up System$5,000.00
6 LIVE “Get Clients” Premium Group Coaching Sessions$5,000.00
Discover Your Perfect Niche + 3 Nail Your Niche Group Coaching Sessions$2,000.00
Confident Coach Program + 3 Master Your Mind And Emotions Group Coaching Sessions$2,000.00
Rapid Results Coaching Academy: The Coach Certification Program$2,000.00
Client Attraction & Money Making Mastery$5,000.00
Ticket To Heal Your Money $h*t Now Live Virtual Event$2,000.00
EasyClients A.I. – Automated Lead Gen Software$2,000.00
ULTRA LIMITED BONUS: ​I Will Promote You To My Social Media (Full Pay Only Bonus)$10,000.00
24/7 Coaching from the Christian Mickelsen A.I. ClonePriceless
TOTAL VALUE$35,000.00+
Free Sessions That Sell: The Client Sign Up System $5,000.00
6 Get Clients Group Coaching Sessions $5,000.00
Discover Your Perfect Niche + 3 Nail Your Niche Group Coaching Sessions $2,000.00
Confident Coach Program + 3 Master Your Mind And Emotions Group Coaching Sessions $2,000.00
Rapid Results Coaching Academy: The Coach Certification Program $2,000.00
Client Attraction & Money Making Mastery $5,000.00
Ticket To Heal Your Money $h*t Now Live Virtual Event $2,000.00
Group Coaching Goldmine: How To Triple Your Income With Group Coaching $1,000.00
ULTRA LIMITED BONUS: ​I Will Promote You To My Social Media (Full Pay Only Bonus) $10,000.00
24/7 Coaching from the Christian Mickelsen A.I. Clone Priceless
Plus, Get These Bonuses From My Guest Experts
Presentations That Pay
Eben Pagan, Internet Marketing Pioneer
Writing to Convert
Matt Leitz, Founder of BotBuilders
The Woman-Centered Enrollment Kit
Dr. Claire Zammit, Founder of the Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching & Evolving Wisdom
Fast Revenue Copywriting Course
Rob Goyette, Creator of the Fast Revenue Laser Coaching Model
Supercharge Your Facebook Group
Alina Vincent, The Challenges Queen
How Rich Coaches Think: The 21 Beliefs Of The World's Wealthiest Coaches
Mamoon Yusaf, Spiritual Coach and Creator of the “How Rich Coaches Think” training program
The Virtual Summits Training Program
Sage Lavine, Founder and CEO of Women Rocking Business
Ecstatic Marketing
Jeanna Gabellini, Chief Rabble Rouser of Masterpeace Coaching
TOTAL VALUE $44,000.00+
Free Sessions That Sell: The Client Sign Up System $5,000.00
6 Get Clients Group Coaching Sessions $5,000.00
Discover Your Perfect Niche + 3 Nail Your Niche Group Coaching Sessions $2,000.00
Confident Coach Program + 3 Master Your Mind And Emotions Group Coaching Sessions $2,000.00
Rapid Results Coaching Academy: The Coach Certification Program $2,000.00
Client Attraction & Money Making Mastery $5,000.00
Ticket To Heal Your Money $h*t Now Live Virtual Event $2,000.00
Group Coaching Goldmine: How To Triple Your Income With Group Coaching $1,000.00
ULTRA LIMITED BONUS: ​I Will Promote You To My Social Media (Full Pay Only Bonus) $102,000.00
24/7 Coaching from the Christian Mickelsen A.I. Clone Priceless
Plus, Get These Bonuses From My Guest Experts…
Presentations That Pay
Eben Pagan, Internet Marketing Pioneer
Writing to Convert
Matt Leitz, Founder of BotBuilders
The Woman-Centered Enrollment Kit
Dr. Claire Zammit, Founder of the Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching & Evolving Wisdom
Fast Revenue Copywriting Course
Rob Goyette, Creator of the Fast Revenue Laser Coaching Model
Supercharge Your Facebook Group
Alina Vincent, The Challenges Queen
How Rich Coaches Think: The 21 Beliefs Of The World's Wealthiest Coaches
Mamoon Yusaf, Spiritual Coach and Creator of the “How Rich Coaches Think” training program
The Virtual Summits Training Program
Sage Lavine, Founder and CEO of Women Rocking Business
Ecstatic Marketing
Jeanna Gabellini, Chief Rabble Rouser of Masterpeace Coaching
TOTAL VALUE $44,000.00+

TOTAL VALUE: $35,000.00+

Register now and start getting clients right away

One easy payment of $1997
Eight easy payments of $299
One easy payment of $1997
Twelve easy payments of $199


When You Full Pay, You Get The Following Bonus:

​I Will Promote You To My Social Media!

When you full pay for Free Sessions That Sell now, you will have a rare opportunity: My social media combined is 164,500 and counting. I will showcase you so you are seen by my audience. 

VALUE: $10,000.00

**This is very limited. This bonus won't last.**

60-Day Get Clients

I’m so committed to seeing you get lots of high paying clients that if you study the training, do the coursework, and implement my system and you don’t get clients, we’ll give you the extra support you need. If you still don’t get clients, I don’t deserve your money and will happily give you a refund during the 60 day guarantee period.

How do you know if this program is right for you?

You Want To Coach More People

You Want To Make More Money As A Coach

You Want Your Life To Be A Lot Easier

Real People — Real Results

Free Sessions That Sell is right for you if you want to…

Make More Money Than Ever in Just a Few Short Weeks…

Most people today will spend over $100,000 and over 4 years of their life to earn a college degree. And at the end of it, usually end up getting a job they don’t even love making a fairly limited amount of money. With this program in a few short weeks, you could potentially be making more money that you ever have at a regular job, being your own boss and setting your own hours.

In the “Free Sessions That Sell” program, we teach you how you can sign up clients for $5,000 – $10,000 a year or more each.

And that’s if you’re just starting out.

If you’re a seasoned coach, as you gain more experience, you can charge anywhere from $25,000 to $100,000 per client using this system.

You’ll only need to sign up one client to make more than double your investment back.

Coaches Can Earn Well Over $100,000 a Year!

Imagine if you sign up 1 new client a month? Or 2 clients…?

Imagine if you sign up 1 new client a week?

You can do the math.

You don’t have to invest $100,000 to learn all this like you would have to do in college…

You can learn to coach people, get clients, and make money helping others — all while having fun and being your own boss…

…without having to get a degree.

As a career coach, business coach, sales coach, dating coach, parenting coach, weight-loss coach, life coach, or health coach, you could make over $100,000 a year and potentially up to $1,000,000 a year or more with your own coaching business.*

TOTAL VALUE: $35,000.00+

Register now and start getting clients right away

One easy payment of $1997
Eight easy payments of $299
One easy payment of $1997
Twelve easy payments of $199


Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone who wants to get started in coaching, get more coaching, consulting, and healing clients, get higher paying clients, get clients more consistently, or grow a coaching business empire, this program is for you.

If you’re ready to change the world with your coaching, and you’re ready to start signing up lots of clients.

If you want to stop living by trial and error and get a proven system built by someone who’s already been where you are and has already achieved the results you are looking for.

You want the specific, time-tested scripts and emails that will land you more high-paying clients.

You want a legitimate, income-producing coaching business built on a repeatable and reliable process.

You’re just looking for a get rich quick scheme and don’t have anything valuable to offer your clients. If you don’t really care about helping people, this program is definitely not for you. And although there are lots of people who use Free Sessions That Sell and make lots of money quickly, I don’t want people who are only in it for the money.

If you think that just buying this program without taking action will get you success, then this program is not for you. If you put in zero effort in and don’t follow the super easy Free Sessions That Sell system for getting immediate results, then you wouldn’t be a good fit for this program.

This program is also not for you if you want to spend a lot of time and energy figuring it all out on your own. For the “do-it-yourselfers” who don’t want advice, or don’t want the shortcuts, this program would not be a good fit.

Procrastinators. If you’re the type of person who constantly has to “think about it” this program is also not for you. Because if you procrastinate on signing up, then that probably also means you will procrastinate on taking action even if you had access to Free Sessions That Sell… and in this case it wouldn’t be a good fit for you.

First of all, you’re going to learn exactly what to say and do to get clients to sign up to work with you, right on the spot.

No more chasing prospects who want you to follow up with them later.

It’ll get you the confidence to sign up clients at ever increasing amounts.

You’ll also learn where to go to find clients and how to have credibility and authority in the marketplace.

And if you’re new to coaching you’ll also learn how to work with clients to help them get the results that they will be hiring you for.

You’ll have lifetime access to this entire program including the current version that people have been using to get clients. Take as long as you want to go through it. You can start at a time that works best for you.

During your journey with us, you'll experience robust support every step of the way. Our program is designed for easy comprehension and application. You'll have practice buddies to refine your skills, access to our private Facebook community for ongoing engagement, and six group coaching sessions focused on niche discovery and confidence-building. Additionally, I'll be personally supporting you in our 6 group coaching sessions (+ A.I.) to assist you and other coaches with questions and share other nuances to signing up clients. Your success is our priority, and we're here to ensure you thrive in Free Sessions That Sell.

Some coaches have seen results in as little as 24 hours. But the pace of results will depend on your effort. We're here to support your journey every step of the way, ensuring you have the tools and guidance to maximize your success.

Absolutely! Free Sessions That Sell has been transforming the lives and careers of coaches for over 15 years, and our success stories are a testament to the incredible results achieved by our graduates. As you explore this page, you'll find a compelling selection of these remarkable stories—a mere fraction of the countless individuals who have found success, grown their businesses, and achieved their coaching dreams through our program. Their journeys are inspiring and showcase the tangible impact that Free Sessions That Sell can have on your coaching career. Join us, and you could be the next success story to inspire others!

This is the longest-running program for teaching people how to sign up coaching clients from introductory sessions. It’s helped 10s of thousands of coaches get clients for over 15 years all over the world in all different niche markets.

This is the gold standard when it comes to helping coaches get clients, and we’ve helped more coaches get clients than any other system on earth.

I’ve taught therapists, coaches, consultants, and healers to use this program to get more clients, and now it’s your turn.

Yes! That’s why we’re including Rapid Results Coaching Academy: The Coach Training & Certification Program. It is an elite coach training program, that makes your coaching extremely valuable.

It gives you an easy, clear, powerful way to structure your coaching sessions so you always know exactly what to do and say to help your clients experience breakthrough after breakthrough.

Many people pay $2000 for this program by itself, but because we’re launching Free Sessions That Sell, we’re including this program at no extra cost to people that order Free Sessions That Sell today.

Yes! You can full pay for $1997 or take advantage of our incredible payment plan and make 8 payments of just $299.

Got questions? Chat with us! Simply click the blue chat button on the bottom right hand corner of the page and we’ll be happy to answer your questions. You can also call my Client Success team to get your questions answered here (800) 492-7152. Or text your question to (619) 330-5655. You could also just join now, because most of your questions will be answered inside the program.

Yes, we always make this program available a few days per year.  But you may end up waiting months before you can join.

However, what a lot of people do if they don’t want to wait a whole year, even if now isn’t the best time to get started, is they sign up now, and start going through the program as soon as it’s convenient for them.

Our students feel safe joining now because they know they’ll have lifetime access to the program, and they can start going through the program whenever they want.

Free Sessions That Sell is intentionally designed to be the easiest and most accessible program you'll ever encounter. You don't need to be tech-savvy. All you require is a means of communication, whether it's through a phone, video app, or in-person, and access to the Free Sessions That Sell script.

Before you even complete the program, you’ll be able to go out and get clients. However, by the time you’re done you’ll be a client sign up machine. You’ll be able to explore the other programs we’re providing as bonuses to help you continue building a profitable and impactful coaching business.

Coaching Is the Most Powerful Force For Change on Earth!

I believe coaching is the most powerful force for change on Earth and that people who help others for a living should be rewarded handsomely for doing so.

Join us inside, where it’s not just about getting clients and making money — it’s about transforming lives. Every client isn’t just a transaction; it’s a chance to make a profound impact on families, partners, kids, colleagues, and communities. Join me on my mission to get the whole world coached!

I may not have met you yet. The fact that you’re here already tells me what a great big heart you have. The world needs you now more than ever. Your heart and your presence matters.

I want to help you realize how much you matter and to have life-altering introductory conversations that leave your prospects moved and inspired to become your full-paying clients.

I look forward to walking you step by step through Free Sessions That Sell: The Client Sign-Up System. SEE YOU INSIDE!

TOTAL VALUE: $35,000.00+

Register now and start getting clients right away

One easy payment of $1997
Eight easy payments of $299
One easy payment of $1997
Twelve easy payments of $199

“It Took 30-45 Days To Get To A Six-Figure Coaching Business!

I knew I had something to share with the world, and I knew that coaching was a great way to go, but I had no idea how to do it. There was so much fear: “Am I going to get on these calls and no one is going to want what I have to offer?” I had a lot of resistance, and I even did calls that I poured my heart and soul into and people would say, “That’s amazing” and just hang up.

By grace, I stumbled upon Christian’s work, and suddenly I saw a map, a blueprint. It was a simple, step by step way to have the call with these few distinctions. It took a matter of 30-45 days to get to a six-figure coaching business. It all started with how to have a conversation with someone that inspires them, that engages them, that enrolls them. Christian has changed my life.

“One Of The Best Methodologies Out There For Signing Up Clients!

Christian has one of the best methodologies out there for signing up clients… it’s a premium training on how to close more sales, how to structure your sales calls, and how to convert at a very high level. One of the biggest things Christian is a master at is improving your confidence and mindset around selling and money. If you need more clients and you know you need help on your closing rate percentage then Christian’s work is really for you.”

60-Day Get Clients

I’m so committed to seeing you get lots of high paying clients that if you study the training, do the coursework, and implement my system and you don’t get clients, we’ll give you the extra support you need. If you still don’t get clients, I don’t deserve your money and will happily give you a refund during the 60 day guarantee period.

TOTAL VALUE: $35,000.00+

Register now and start getting clients right away

One easy payment of $1997
Eight easy payments of $299
One easy payment of $1997
Twelve easy payments of $199
2 New Clients Totalling $26,000!
“Yesterday, I signed 2 new clients using FSTS in my 6 month coaching program! One in my gold package and the other in my silver. Contracts totaling $26,000!”
Rebecca B.
New Paid-In-Full Client For $12,850!
“A huge win for me! I just signed up a new paid-in-full client using Free Sessions That Sell for $12,850 in a one year coaching program.”
Kerri S.
$300,000 From Coaching In 1 Year!
“What was really cool was at the end of the year, when I did my taxes my earnings were over $300,000 and it was all from coaching. Thanks, Christian!”
Susan E.

TOTAL VALUE: $35,000.00+

Register now and start getting clients right away

One easy payment of $1997
Eight easy payments of $299
One easy payment of $1997
Twelve easy payments of $199

© 2025. Christian Mickelsen. All rights reserved.  Terms of Use & Privacy Policy.

Future Force, Chicago, IL 60611 USA

Wait! Don't Miss Out On The Incredible Bonuses Only Available Today!

Free Sessions That Sell has helped coaches sign up over 1 MILLION clients and counting. It takes the guesswork out of what to say to clients to get them to say “Yes” to your coaching.

Register now to unlock exclusive bonuses designed to help you supercharge the Free Sessions That Sell system and become a client-getting machine! They expire today, so don’t leave without checking them out.